Critics say politicians are using state budget problems as an excuse for union-busting& an effort to take away rights to organize. 批评人士说,政治家们以州政府预算为借口打击工会,试图剥夺工会权力。
Wisconsin's newly elected governor, Scott Walker, says limits are needed on labor unions to help cut a deficit in the state budget. 威斯康辛州新当选的议员斯科特维克说,对工会来说,限制雇员比例对于减少政府财政预算来说是必要的。
'He thanked and thanked me,' says Ms. Tuel, 48, who lives in Folsom, Calif., and is a state budget analyst. 托尔女士称:我丈夫不止一次向我表达了谢意。现在48岁的托尔女士居住在加利福尼亚州的福尔瑟姆(Folsom),她是一位州预算分析员。
Additionally, state budget cuts are forcing public institutions to reduce aid for graduate students, who in some disciplines have traditionally been paid to attend postgraduate programs. 此外,各州削减预算迫使公立高校降低了对研究生的支持力度,而此前部分专业的研究生一直可以领取补贴。
But there is no logical reason to pit two parts of the state budget against each other constitutionally when legislators are perfectly capable of doing the allocating. 但既然立法委员可以把财政预算的分配做得如此完美,那么比较这两方面的政府财政预算从宪法角度讲也就没有多少合理性。
JOHN DEASY: "The recession has had an enormous impact on the state budget and we have had a huge drop in funding." JohnDeasy:“经济衰退对国家预算产生巨大影响,而且我们的经费也大幅度下降。”
In the period of the First Five-Year Plan, military and administrative expenditures accounted for 30 per cent of the total expenditures in the state budget. 第一个五年计划期间,军政费用占国家预算全部支出的百分之三十。
Mr Nakagawa, who has blamed his poor showing on taking too much cold medicine, initially tried to delay the effective date of his resignation until the Diet passes stimulus legislation and the state budget, but under growing political pressure was forced to step down immediately. 他将自己的糟糕表现归咎于吃了太多的感冒药。最初,中川昭一试图将辞职生效日推迟到国会通过经济刺激法案和国家预算之后,但日益增大的政治压力迫使他只好立即下台。
The state budget had not even been put on a spreadsheet. 政府预算甚至还没用上电子数据表。
Ten percent of the state budget is equal to over 20,000 billion yuan. 如国家预算节省百分之十,就是二十多万亿元。
Generally the State budget does not provide interest rate subsidy to the State Policy Banks. 一般而言,国家预算不向国家政策性银行提供利率补贴。
Deep state budget cuts could offset much of that, unless Congress funnels more aid to states. 政府预算的深削可以补偿一些,除非国会给予政府更多援助。
According to the summary statements of local budget authorities, the general performance of state budget in 1999 is quite satisfactory. 从目前各地财政报表的汇总情况看,1999年,国家预算执行情况比较好。
Before answering your questions, I would like to brief you on the performance of last year's state budget. 在回答各位的提问前,我先简要向大家介绍一下去年国家预算执行情况。
Almost as silly is his proposal to amend the state constitution to mandate reversing the current shares of the state budget that go to prisons and universities. 他的另一建议也同样愚蠢。他建议修改州宪法,要求重新配置州对监狱和大学的现行财政预算份额。
State budget shortfalls have led to widespread layoffs, tax increases, spending cuts and other measures that have restrained economic growth. 州预算不足已导致普遍的解雇,税收增加,开支削减和抑制经济的增长的其它措施。
Now the IMF requires Latvia to cut another 10 per cent from the state budget this autumn. 现在,IMF要求拉脱维亚今秋将政府预算再削减10%。
And Superintendent John Deasy expects more changes if the state budget does not improve. (洛杉矶联合学区)负责人迪希预计如果州预算没有得到改善,会有更多变化。
The proposed New York state budget cuts for2009 and the complete elimination of state funding in2010 for zoos, botanical gardens, and aquariums mean we face devastating cuts. 拟议的纽约州2009年预算削减和彻底销毁国家提供的资金在2010年的动物园,植物园,和水族馆意味着我们面临着毁灭性的削减。
( 10) To examine and approve the state budget and the report on its implementation; (十)审查和批准国家的预算和预算执行情况的报告;
Balance of the state budget system 国家预算系统平衡表
The size of the armed forces has increased substantially and military expenditures take up a larger proportion of the state budget than before, with a lot of money being spent just on food and clothing. 军队的人数增加很多,军费开支占国家预算的比重增大,把很多钱花费在人员的穿衣吃饭上面。
Third, the items of revenue not covered in the state budget is not rational. 三是预算外收入项目的审批管理不尽合理。
One of the important reforms is to classify the non-budget revenue into non-tax revenue, and managed by state budget. 在收入分类中一项重要的改革就是将预算外收入列归非税收入纳入预算管理。
The budget as a financial information concerning civil right to know and the state budget decision-making scientific and effective and it is an important system, reflects the inherent requirement of the public finance and modern responsible government construction. 预算公开作为一项关乎公民财政信息知情权和国家预算决策科学有效与否的重要制度,反映着公共财政和现代责任政府建设的内在要求。
Since the implementation of market economy, the Russian government tried to create a new funding system, and the situation in which all of higher education was funded by the State budget turned into by the states and society. 自实施市场经济以后,俄罗斯政府尝试建立新的拨款体制,将高等教育财政全部由国家预算拨款的状况转变为国家与社会共同承担。
The management and operation of the state treasury is a fundamental job for the management of the state budget, and for the implementation of the macroeconomic policy of the central bank. 国库管理与运作是国家预算管理和中央银行宏观调控不可缺少的基础性工作,是财政政策和货币政策结合点,在财政金融活动乃至国民经济活动中具有重要地位。